1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Biophysics and Informatics
tfunda 12.09.2022

Department of biomedical statistics

Address: 120 00 Praha 2, Salmovská 1

Phone: +420 22496 5842

Fax: +420 22496 5843

Head of department: doc. Ing. Miloslav Špunda, CSc. (5808)

Doc. Ing. Nikola Kaspříková, Ph.D. (5858)

Mgr. Martin Komarc, Ph.D. (5982)

MUDr. Lubomíř Štěpánek (4389)

MDDr. Bc. Milan Drahoš (3138)

Technical support:
Ing. Tomáš Funda (5852)

Secretary: Jana Bayerová (5842)

e-mail: biostat(zavinac)lf1.cuni.cz

Consultations available by prior phone or e-mail arrangement.

number of views: 2594 author: tfunda, last modification: tfunda, 12.09.2022
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