1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Biophysics and Informatics

Department of computer science and informatics

Address: 120 00 Praha 2, Salmovská 1

Phone: +420 22496 5842

Fax: +420 22496 5843

Head of department: Ing. Karel Hána, Ph.D. (5852)

Head of education: RNDr. Čestmír Štuka, Ph.D. (4102)

Employees: Ing. Jaroslav Dušek, Ph.D. (5846)

Ing. Tomáš Funda (5852)

Ing. Radim Kliment (5852)

Mgr. Antonín Procházka (5844)

doc. MUDr. Ing. Daniel Smutek, Ph.D. (5845)

doc. Ing. Miloslav Špunda, CSc. (5808)

MUDr. Lubomír Štěpánek

Mgr. Jan Zeman, Ph.D. (5847)

Tuition accomodation: RNDr. Jan Klaschka, Ph.D. (5852)

MDDr. Milan Drahoš (3138)

MUDr. Petr Kajzar

MUDr. Martin Tomeček (4316, 4103)

Secretary: Jana Bayerová (5842)

Consultations available by prior phone or e-mail arrangement.

number of views: 2492 author: tfunda, last modification: 31.10.2020
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